Speech and Debate 英文演讲和辩论课 (P3)

Teacher: Jacob Wu, Allan Tao 

Minimum 4 students 四人成班

Age: Grade 4th – 8th 小学高年级和初中生

Course description:

This course will develop and improve public speaking, argumentative, writing, critical thinking, and interpersonal communication skills. This course will also introduce students to the principles of Public Forum Debate, with an emphasis on effective research, active listening, and varying persuasion techniques.

The first semester is focused on public speaking. Students will learn a wide variety of public  speaking skills, including how to speak extemporaneously, how to bolster arguments with well-sourced research, and how to effectively use tactics like gestures and voice projection. Students will prepare and deliver speeches in class and have a final presentation which will be open to the public at the end of first semester. The tentative date is the last class in December.

This second semester is learning and practicing debates. During class, students will learn the Public Forum debate format, how to write and research arguments, practice impromptu speaking, and gain experience in several in-class debates on interesting topics. Students will be divided into different groups based on their age and experience. There will be a debate tournament which is open to the public at the end of the second semester. The tentative date is the last class in June.

本课程不仅帮助学生提高公开演讲能力和辩论技巧而且训练了学生的写作,研究, 思辨能力。授课形式将以课堂讲授,互动游戏,辩论实战相结合。第一学期着重于演讲,组织学生多次课堂演讲,初步预定12 月末的最后一次课是公开的演讲汇报课,欢迎所有家长,学生,亲友旁听。第二学期介绍辩论的基本知识和技巧,选择孩子们感兴趣的话题组织多场课堂辩论。初步预定6 月初的最后一次课是公开的辩论比赛,欢迎所有家长,学生,亲友旁听。

About the teacher:

Jacob and Allan were both elected student councils by delivering persuasive speeches and winning most votes from peers in Hopkinton High School and Fay School respectively, and they both received a lot of professional debate training. Jacob has won top awards for speaking and presenting at local and state
science fairs, and he started a registered nonprofit business that teaches and provides opportunities for younger students. Allan was nominated as one of the top ten speakers at Capitol Debate Camp among the hundreds of participants.


  • 3:20pm – 4:05pm