2024/8/25 Summer Picnic Framingham Cushing Memorial Park 11:30am - 3:30pm 700 Winter St, Framingham MA 01702
2024/8/25 Summer Picnic Framingham Cushing Memorial Park 11:30am - 3:30pm 700 Winter St, Framingham MA 01702
亲爱的CCLS的学生,老师和家长们,大家好! “蒹葭苍苍,白露为霜”。今天(9月8日)是2023年的白露。白露是秋季的第三个节气。 白露的到来意味着暑热基本结束,天气逐渐转凉。当我们期盼秋的凉爽,我们更热切期待新学年的开始,希望这个星期天 9 月 10 日在FSU见到你们! 不管您是重回校园,还是第一次来,在这个大地绿意仍浓的时节,我们欢迎你们来到世纪大家庭!(Welcome to CCLS! Please visit here for an English version) 在此欢迎信中,您将找到很多的信息项目,希望能帮助您成功为即将到来的学年做好准备。请花时间阅读并与您的学生分享关键信息,并请及时在有关表格上签字并上交给学校。 学校的2022~2023 年历(School Calendar), 内含学校联系方式等 FSU WI-FI 上网信息 FSU 教学楼 Direction and Map…
Dear CCLS Families and Friends, We sincerely invite you to Sign up Family Portrait Shooting offered by Century Photography and show your support for their mission (see attached). Your contribution and participation will make…
Hello CCLS Family! "The reeds are green, and the white dew is frost." Today (September 8) is Bai-Lu in 2023. Bai-Lu is the third solar term in autumn. The arrival…