Yangyang Chinese 7 

Book 7 of Yangyang Chinese is suitable for students who have reached YCT4/HSK3 or above. This book focuses on recognizing characters, words and sentences, mastering 120 characters and 120 disyllabic or polysyllabic words. Each new character/word is accompanied by a picture and annotated with pinyin to help students understand and correct pronunciation.
The “language knowledge” section provides multiple examples or annotations for each key word to help students understand the meaning of words from multiple angles and use words. Understand simple language knowledge. There are two texts in each lesson: 1 children’s poem + 1 short article. Children’s poems and short articles are basically composed of learned characters and words and new characters and words in this lesson. The poems cover all or most of the new characters and words in this lesson, and the short articles focus on the written application of the words and sentences in this lesson. Poems require recitation, and short articles require fluent reading and understanding of the meaning of the short articles. There are “dialogue exercises” in the classroom exercises, using the learned characters, words and sentences to practice oral language. Classroom exercises are an important part of each lesson, reviewing and applying the characters, words and sentences in this lesson.
The accompanying workbooks include two books, one for single class and one for double class, which students can use for review and consolidation at home every week.
The accompanying test book is designed in the form of SATⅡ and AP test papers, laying the foundation for successfully passing SATⅡ and AP exams.

《阳阳中文》第七册适合达到YCT4/HSK3级以上水平的学生使用。本册重点是识字、词语和句式,掌握120个字和120个双音节或多音节词语。每个生字/词配有图片,标注拼音,帮助学生理解和正音。“语言知识”环节为每个重点词语配有多个例句或注释,帮助学生多角度理解词义,运 用词语。了解简单语言知识。每课课文两篇:1首少儿诗歌+1篇短文。少儿诗歌和短文基本由学过的字词,与本课生 字词组成。诗歌全部或大部分涵盖了本课生字词,短文重点强调本课词语和句式的书面 运用。诗歌要求背诵,短文要求流利朗读,并能理解短文的意思。课堂练习中有“对话练习”,运用学过的字词句训练口语。课堂练习是每课的重要组成部分,复习并运用本课字词句。配套练习册有单课/双课两本,学生每周在家复习巩固使用。配套考试本,考试本设计成SATⅡ和AP考试卷模式,为顺利通过SATIⅡ和AP考试打下 基础。

Time: 1:30pm – 3:10pm