
coding (p3 or p4)

Teacher:  Hannah Zhou/Kenneth Wan
Minimum 6 students
Age: 6+

This class is targeted for beginner/intermediate level young coders (aged six to ten). The class will primarily focus on Python, a popular and free programming language – we chose Python because it is a great first language to learn, due to its simple syntax and similarity to other popular programming languages. After an initial review/introduction of Python basics and programming logic, students will work on level-appropriate projects under the guidance of our student teachers.

By the end of the class, students should have a solid foundation and understanding of Python, fundamental programming logic, and theory. Students might get introduced to more complex concepts and algorithms in coding. 

Sample projects include building a simple calculator, guessing the number, decrypting Caesar’s cipher, Mad Libs generator, and text-based adventure games. Projects will increase in difficulty. The project-based curriculum will be customized based on the pace and interests of students. This class may explore other programming languages if there’s time (e.g., Java, Javascript, etc.) 


  • 3:20pm – 4:05pm OR
  • 4:15pm – 5:00pm