2024 Open House!

我们诚邀您和您的家人于5月5日星期日下午1:30-4:00参加我们世纪中文学校的开放日。世纪中文学校已有近30年的历史。位于9号公路边的Framingham State University 校园内,交通便利,教学环境安全优美。开设的课程包括中文课和文化课。学生年龄从 3.5 岁到 80 岁。欢迎扫描二维码了解更多信息。开放日,你可以尝试任何中文课和文化课。此外,还有国画展览、小礼物、汉语水平评估等,为新家庭提供特别优惠。我们期待您的到来和加入!



We sincerely invite you and your family to the open house of Century Chinese Language School held from 1:30-4:00 pm on Sunday 5/5.

Century Chinese Language School has a history of nearly 30 years. It is located on the campus of Framingham State University on Route 9, with convenient transportation and a safe and beautiful teaching environment. The courses offered include Chinese classes and cultural classes. Students are from 3 ½ to 80 years old. Welcome to scan the QR code for more information. On the open day, you can try any Chinese class and cultural class. In addition, there are Chinese painting exhibitions, small gifts, Chinese level assessment etc. We offer special discounts for new families. You will also get referral credits if other families join us with your referral.


We look forward to your joining us!


CCLS Management Team and PTO