Faculty – Helen Liu

劉志英 (Helen Liu) 

世纪中文学校资深中文教师;2010 年至2014两任世纪中文学校教务主;2020-2022学校广播电台主编/教师播音主持; 全美中文学校2016年度优秀中文教师;新英格兰中文教师协会会员;2019新英格兰中文学校朗诵联赛评委。在美东地区多所大专院校、孔子学院和中国接受过中文教学、课程设计及学校管理/ 教务/领导力等多方面培训;在教授各种背景各种水平的中文学生方面积累了大量经验。崇尚寓教于乐,教书育人,教学相长。周末中文学校是全职工作外的一大担当,二十年来 “一切为了孩子” 初心尤在,乐此不彼。

Ms Liu excels herself in teaching and tutoring all levels of heritage or non-heritage students, young and old, with an integrated student-centered approach and through fun activities. Ms Liu is a member of New England Chinese Language Teachers Association, professionally trained on pedagogy, curriculum design, faculty management and leadership development in US and China. She also served two terms of Teaching Director at CCLS, Chief Editor/Co-host of CCLS Broadcast Station from 2020-2022.

Weekend teaching has been Ms Liu’s biggest community involvement & commitment outside her full-time job over the past 20 years. It’s just as rewarding as ever.